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Home / 2013 January 11 Sunset at Coronado /

320-8304 Del Coronado

320-8304 Del Coronado.jpg 320-8294 PatternsThumbnails320-8333 Sand Castle320-8294 PatternsThumbnails320-8333 Sand Castle320-8294 PatternsThumbnails320-8333 Sand Castle320-8294 PatternsThumbnails320-8333 Sand Castle320-8294 PatternsThumbnails320-8333 Sand Castle320-8294 PatternsThumbnails320-8333 Sand Castle320-8294 PatternsThumbnails320-8333 Sand Castle

The tide was out and left a shimmering pool of water on the and, not even1/8 inch deep, fifty yards out from the shoreline.