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321-2930 Shelter Island

321-2930 Shelter Island.jpg 318-6081--6083 Hearst Castle Parchment Document Lamp Shade HDRThumbnails321-3276 Whale Watching318-6081--6083 Hearst Castle Parchment Document Lamp Shade HDRThumbnails321-3276 Whale Watching318-6081--6083 Hearst Castle Parchment Document Lamp Shade HDRThumbnails321-3276 Whale Watching318-6081--6083 Hearst Castle Parchment Document Lamp Shade HDRThumbnails321-3276 Whale Watching318-6081--6083 Hearst Castle Parchment Document Lamp Shade HDRThumbnails321-3276 Whale Watching318-6081--6083 Hearst Castle Parchment Document Lamp Shade HDRThumbnails321-3276 Whale Watching318-6081--6083 Hearst Castle Parchment Document Lamp Shade HDRThumbnails321-3276 Whale Watching

We headed out from Shelter Island at 10:00 AM. - We headed out from Shelter Island at 10:00 AM.