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321-8875 Waterfall

321-8875 Waterfall.jpg 321-8809-8810 Cherry Tree GroveThumbnails321-8880 Butts321-8809-8810 Cherry Tree GroveThumbnails321-8880 Butts321-8809-8810 Cherry Tree GroveThumbnails321-8880 Butts321-8809-8810 Cherry Tree GroveThumbnails321-8880 Butts321-8809-8810 Cherry Tree GroveThumbnails321-8880 Butts321-8809-8810 Cherry Tree GroveThumbnails321-8880 Butts321-8809-8810 Cherry Tree GroveThumbnails321-8880 Butts

All along the north fork of Strawberry Creek there are small dams and their resultant waterfalls. The waterfalls contribute the sound of running water to add to the experience.