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321-8902 Irrigation

321-8902 Irrigation.jpg 321-8892 SquirrelThumbnails321-8925-8926 2227 Dwight321-8892 SquirrelThumbnails321-8925-8926 2227 Dwight321-8892 SquirrelThumbnails321-8925-8926 2227 Dwight321-8892 SquirrelThumbnails321-8925-8926 2227 Dwight321-8892 SquirrelThumbnails321-8925-8926 2227 Dwight321-8892 SquirrelThumbnails321-8925-8926 2227 Dwight321-8892 SquirrelThumbnails321-8925-8926 2227 Dwight

The environment along the north fork of Strawberry Creek is sustained by irrigation.