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407-3291 IT - Amalfi - Paper Mill

407-3291 IT - Amalfi - Paper Mill.jpg 317-0834 Shirley Lynne Sue.jpgThumbnails407-3370 IT - Amalfi - Paper Mill317-0834 Shirley Lynne Sue.jpgThumbnails407-3370 IT - Amalfi - Paper Mill317-0834 Shirley Lynne Sue.jpgThumbnails407-3370 IT - Amalfi - Paper Mill317-0834 Shirley Lynne Sue.jpgThumbnails407-3370 IT - Amalfi - Paper Mill317-0834 Shirley Lynne Sue.jpgThumbnails407-3370 IT - Amalfi - Paper Mill317-0834 Shirley Lynne Sue.jpgThumbnails407-3370 IT - Amalfi - Paper Mill317-0834 Shirley Lynne Sue.jpgThumbnails407-3370 IT - Amalfi - Paper Mill

Our tour included paper mills from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, all in this one facility. Until the latest, all were powered by water.