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407-4504 IT - Sorrento - Torquato Tasso

407-4504 IT - Sorrento - Torquato Tasso.jpg 407-4386 IT - Sorrento - Alfiero Nina - Mother and ChildThumbnails407-4766 IT - Praiano - Casa Angelina407-4386 IT - Sorrento - Alfiero Nina - Mother and ChildThumbnails407-4766 IT - Praiano - Casa Angelina407-4386 IT - Sorrento - Alfiero Nina - Mother and ChildThumbnails407-4766 IT - Praiano - Casa Angelina407-4386 IT - Sorrento - Alfiero Nina - Mother and ChildThumbnails407-4766 IT - Praiano - Casa Angelina407-4386 IT - Sorrento - Alfiero Nina - Mother and ChildThumbnails407-4766 IT - Praiano - Casa Angelina407-4386 IT - Sorrento - Alfiero Nina - Mother and ChildThumbnails407-4766 IT - Praiano - Casa Angelina407-4386 IT - Sorrento - Alfiero Nina - Mother and ChildThumbnails407-4766 IT - Praiano - Casa Angelina

Famous Italian poet, widely read in the 19th century. Wikipedia: Torquato Tasso

Richard Hodgman