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404-1323 Bath Abbey Door

404-1323 Bath Abbey Door.jpg 403-3425 Charles River CruiseThumbnails404-5466 London - Richard Kindersley - Stone Lettering 1992403-3425 Charles River CruiseThumbnails404-5466 London - Richard Kindersley - Stone Lettering 1992403-3425 Charles River CruiseThumbnails404-5466 London - Richard Kindersley - Stone Lettering 1992403-3425 Charles River CruiseThumbnails404-5466 London - Richard Kindersley - Stone Lettering 1992403-3425 Charles River CruiseThumbnails404-5466 London - Richard Kindersley - Stone Lettering 1992403-3425 Charles River CruiseThumbnails404-5466 London - Richard Kindersley - Stone Lettering 1992403-3425 Charles River CruiseThumbnails404-5466 London - Richard Kindersley - Stone Lettering 1992

The face of St Paul, on the left, was blasted off by British soldiers during the Napoleonic Wars. A new face, lower down, was later carved from his ample beard. St. Peter is on the right.