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407-6770 IT - Roma - Vatican

407-6770 IT - Roma - Vatican.jpg 407-6033 IT - Roma - Our Guide SalomeThumbnails407-7975 IT - Orvieto - Gail and Tom407-6033 IT - Roma - Our Guide SalomeThumbnails407-7975 IT - Orvieto - Gail and Tom407-6033 IT - Roma - Our Guide SalomeThumbnails407-7975 IT - Orvieto - Gail and Tom407-6033 IT - Roma - Our Guide SalomeThumbnails407-7975 IT - Orvieto - Gail and Tom407-6033 IT - Roma - Our Guide SalomeThumbnails407-7975 IT - Orvieto - Gail and Tom407-6033 IT - Roma - Our Guide SalomeThumbnails407-7975 IT - Orvieto - Gail and Tom407-6033 IT - Roma - Our Guide SalomeThumbnails407-7975 IT - Orvieto - Gail and Tom

Our guide Salome using posters set up before the tour of the Vatican Museum. Several sets of posters were set up outside the museum. The advantage - we could hear and follow the explanations. Disadvantage - we moved very quickly through the museum.

Richard Hodgman