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320-7930 Low Tide

320-7930 Low Tide.jpg 320-7916--7921 Mountain Panorama 16x9Thumbnails320-7933 New Lighthouse at Point Loma320-7916--7921 Mountain Panorama 16x9Thumbnails320-7933 New Lighthouse at Point Loma320-7916--7921 Mountain Panorama 16x9Thumbnails320-7933 New Lighthouse at Point Loma320-7916--7921 Mountain Panorama 16x9Thumbnails320-7933 New Lighthouse at Point Loma320-7916--7921 Mountain Panorama 16x9Thumbnails320-7933 New Lighthouse at Point Loma320-7916--7921 Mountain Panorama 16x9Thumbnails320-7933 New Lighthouse at Point Loma320-7916--7921 Mountain Panorama 16x9Thumbnails320-7933 New Lighthouse at Point Loma

There was a very low tide, so we saw a lot in the tide pools and saw a lot of things normally submerged in the surf.