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407-3616 IT - Ravello - Villa Rufolo

407-3616 IT - Ravello - Villa Rufolo.jpg 407-3584 IT - RavelloThumbnails407-4292 IT - Sorrento - Lynne407-3584 IT - RavelloThumbnails407-4292 IT - Sorrento - Lynne407-3584 IT - RavelloThumbnails407-4292 IT - Sorrento - Lynne407-3584 IT - RavelloThumbnails407-4292 IT - Sorrento - Lynne407-3584 IT - RavelloThumbnails407-4292 IT - Sorrento - Lynne407-3584 IT - RavelloThumbnails407-4292 IT - Sorrento - Lynne407-3584 IT - RavelloThumbnails407-4292 IT - Sorrento - Lynne

In this view of Maiori from Ravello you can see the pier; our hotel is behind the cliff on the left.