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408-1427 IT - Siena - Piazza Salimbeni

408-1427 IT - Siena - Piazza Salimbeni.jpg 408-0848 IT - PerugiaThumbnails408-1496 IT - Siena - Piazza del Campo408-0848 IT - PerugiaThumbnails408-1496 IT - Siena - Piazza del Campo408-0848 IT - PerugiaThumbnails408-1496 IT - Siena - Piazza del Campo408-0848 IT - PerugiaThumbnails408-1496 IT - Siena - Piazza del Campo408-0848 IT - PerugiaThumbnails408-1496 IT - Siena - Piazza del Campo408-0848 IT - PerugiaThumbnails408-1496 IT - Siena - Piazza del Campo408-0848 IT - PerugiaThumbnails408-1496 IT - Siena - Piazza del Campo

This is the site of the oldest bank in Siena. Our guide told us that the Florentines minted the florins and the Sienese bankers collected them.