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408-2196 IT - Firenze - Via Giorgio la Pira at Via della Dogana

408-2196 IT - Firenze - Via Giorgio la Pira at Via della Dogana.jpg 408-2154 IT - Tuscany on the way to FirenzeThumbnails408-2648 IT - Firenze - Motocycles on Via Ricasole408-2154 IT - Tuscany on the way to FirenzeThumbnails408-2648 IT - Firenze - Motocycles on Via Ricasole408-2154 IT - Tuscany on the way to FirenzeThumbnails408-2648 IT - Firenze - Motocycles on Via Ricasole408-2154 IT - Tuscany on the way to FirenzeThumbnails408-2648 IT - Firenze - Motocycles on Via Ricasole408-2154 IT - Tuscany on the way to FirenzeThumbnails408-2648 IT - Firenze - Motocycles on Via Ricasole408-2154 IT - Tuscany on the way to FirenzeThumbnails408-2648 IT - Firenze - Motocycles on Via Ricasole408-2154 IT - Tuscany on the way to FirenzeThumbnails408-2648 IT - Firenze - Motocycles on Via Ricasole

Pier Luigi points the way to the Academy.