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100_9455_How_Much_Clearance.jpg StormThumbnailsWe ate lunch Friday at Toot Toot in Bethany, Missouri on the way up to Minnesota.StormThumbnailsWe ate lunch Friday at Toot Toot in Bethany, Missouri on the way up to Minnesota.StormThumbnailsWe ate lunch Friday at Toot Toot in Bethany, Missouri on the way up to Minnesota.StormThumbnailsWe ate lunch Friday at Toot Toot in Bethany, Missouri on the way up to Minnesota.StormThumbnailsWe ate lunch Friday at Toot Toot in Bethany, Missouri on the way up to Minnesota.StormThumbnailsWe ate lunch Friday at Toot Toot in Bethany, Missouri on the way up to Minnesota.

I've often wondered at how close the tops of semis get to the overpasses on the Interstate. Vertical clearance is supposed to be 5.9 meters, just a bit over 16 feet. This seems awfully close.