Richard Hodgman's Photos

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404-2726 Bath Abbey.jpg 404-1417 Bath AbbeyThumbnails404-2731 Bath Abbey404-1417 Bath AbbeyThumbnails404-2731 Bath Abbey404-1417 Bath AbbeyThumbnails404-2731 Bath Abbey404-1417 Bath AbbeyThumbnails404-2731 Bath Abbey404-1417 Bath AbbeyThumbnails404-2731 Bath Abbey404-1417 Bath AbbeyThumbnails404-2731 Bath Abbey404-1417 Bath AbbeyThumbnails404-2731 Bath Abbey

Below is one of the twelve angels climbing two ladders on the front of the Abbey. Two angels are climbing down. The lowest angels are nearly obliterated from target practice during the Napoleonic Wars.