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Home / 2008 Pittsburgh, Tin Can Sailors, and Philadelphia /

312-0528 Pittsburgh - Georgus Rex

312-0528-Pittsburgh-Georgus-Rex.jpg 312-0527 - Pittsburgh - Cannon and GirlThumbnails312-0529 Pittsburgh - Mom312-0527 - Pittsburgh - Cannon and GirlThumbnails312-0529 Pittsburgh - Mom312-0527 - Pittsburgh - Cannon and GirlThumbnails312-0529 Pittsburgh - Mom312-0527 - Pittsburgh - Cannon and GirlThumbnails312-0529 Pittsburgh - Mom312-0527 - Pittsburgh - Cannon and GirlThumbnails312-0529 Pittsburgh - Mom312-0527 - Pittsburgh - Cannon and GirlThumbnails312-0529 Pittsburgh - Mom312-0527 - Pittsburgh - Cannon and GirlThumbnails312-0529 Pittsburgh - Mom

Georgus Rex emblem on the cannon. - Georgus Rex emblem on the cannon.