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Home / 2008 Pittsburgh, Tin Can Sailors, and Philadelphia /

312-0535 Pittsburgh Hilton Downtown

312-0535-Pittsburgh.jpg 312-0532 Pittsburgh - DickThumbnails311-9909 Pittsburgh - Bridge312-0532 Pittsburgh - DickThumbnails311-9909 Pittsburgh - Bridge312-0532 Pittsburgh - DickThumbnails311-9909 Pittsburgh - Bridge312-0532 Pittsburgh - DickThumbnails311-9909 Pittsburgh - Bridge312-0532 Pittsburgh - DickThumbnails311-9909 Pittsburgh - Bridge312-0532 Pittsburgh - DickThumbnails311-9909 Pittsburgh - Bridge312-0532 Pittsburgh - DickThumbnails311-9909 Pittsburgh - Bridge

Our hotel was at the point, the heart of old Pittsburgh. - Our hotel was at the Point, the heart of old Pittsburgh. It is right next to the site of Fort Pitt.