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407-3370 IT - Amalfi - Paper Mill

407-3370 IT - Amalfi - Paper Mill.jpg 407-3291 IT - Amalfi - Paper MillThumbnails407-3497 IT - Amalfi - il Limoncello - Antichi Sapori d'Amalfi407-3291 IT - Amalfi - Paper MillThumbnails407-3497 IT - Amalfi - il Limoncello - Antichi Sapori d'Amalfi407-3291 IT - Amalfi - Paper MillThumbnails407-3497 IT - Amalfi - il Limoncello - Antichi Sapori d'Amalfi407-3291 IT - Amalfi - Paper MillThumbnails407-3497 IT - Amalfi - il Limoncello - Antichi Sapori d'Amalfi407-3291 IT - Amalfi - Paper MillThumbnails407-3497 IT - Amalfi - il Limoncello - Antichi Sapori d'Amalfi407-3291 IT - Amalfi - Paper MillThumbnails407-3497 IT - Amalfi - il Limoncello - Antichi Sapori d'Amalfi407-3291 IT - Amalfi - Paper MillThumbnails407-3497 IT - Amalfi - il Limoncello - Antichi Sapori d'Amalfi

Water was diverted from the river to this channel and then to small reservoirs which were then tapped to operate machinery.

Richard Hodgman